Improve aircrew safety

Pilot Safety Solutions

We have developed several products to improve operational reliability, aviation safety and aircraft system performance.

Innovative aviation technology products, modifications and systems

Aviation sector and aircraft & fleets are developing rapidly which also outcomes challenges to pilots' physiological performance. Aircrew safety is improved with the help of personal flight equipment we have developed.

We continuously work in close cooperation with our customers in research and product development. Product development enables us to solve our customers’ challenges and build new capabilities.

Together with the Finnish Defence Forces, we have developed several products to improve operational reliability, aviation safety and aircraft system performance. 

Aircrew and pilot safety equipment Insta

In operational use proven products to improve pilot and aircrew safety

A hypoxia early warning system - Insta Pilot's Breath Air Monitor

Insta Pilot's Breath Air Monitor, IPBAM, was developed to save aircrew lives.

Insta Pilot's Breath Air Monitor is a hypoxia early warning system that reduces the risk of physiological events (PE's). IPBAM alerts the user in low oxygen or pressure conditions by haptic indication to the breathing mask and by visual indication on the IPBAM main unit before symptoms arise and you can focus on your main task and flying.

Read more about IPBAM

Insta Pilot's Breath Air Monitor IPBAM - hypoxia early warning system

Insta ANR – Active Noise Reduction for Aviation and Demanding Environments

Insta ANR reduce the risk of hearing damage, improve radio and intercom intelligibility and improve aircrew performance by reducing the effects of noise on focus and decision making.

Insta ANR Active Noise Reduction

Insta Active Noise Reduction System for better performance | Insta


We also cooperate with leading aviation operators and serve as an agent for aircraft electronic equipment, MIL-STD components and companies manufacturing defence and special electronic equipment.

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